Friday, February 12, 2010

Singles Awareness Day

An old high school classmate of mine posted a note on Facebook that he is banning all couples from his news feed until after "Singles Awareness Day." I literally laughed out loud because Valentine's Day is definitely a day when, if you're single, you are AWARE that you are, in fact, SINGLE.

Then I thought about the people who might think about me this Valentine's Day... and wondered if any of them would be interested in buying me a present because I am single. :-) Of course, since my parents are probably the only ones who will read this, I figured I have a decent shot at getting a present out of them just because they miss me.

Here's a photo of my new favorite hobby/piece(s) of jewelry:

This is what's known as an "Italian" bead charm bracelet. I love it because it is a charm bracelet, but with bead charms, not dangling charms. So far I have a cat, a snowflake, and a running shoe, along with miscellaneous colored glass beads. If you are interested in buying me more charms, please check out Chamilia, my favorite brand of beads. :-)

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!