Friday, March 27, 2009

Chocolate Giveaway!!

Hey, check out the Mermaids of the Lake blog. They are giving away CHOCOLATE from the Chocolate Apothecary, a fun chocolate "pharmacy" in Spokane. The link to the post is here. You can enter the giveaway by posting a comment on that post, and while you're at it, tell the Mermaids I sent you! :-)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a week!

This has been one of those weeks that required martinis with dinner, lots of chocolate (just pulled brownies out of the oven!) and some good old fashioned therapy sessions with close friends. Ever have those weeks?

Not that it was all baaad, just frustrating at times. Definitely one of those "growing" periods when you have to decide whether to chicken out or stick with the situation and grow as a person. All I have to say is, T.G.I.F. tomorrow!

I'm happy to report that my huge fundraising event for work was a success! I am sleeping better at night now, and I'm enjoying somewhat shorter hours at work, although I'm still working late. Such are the demands of the job... :-)

At any rate, Spring Break is (almost) here! One of the perks for working my rear off during the year is great vacation time. Next week is one of those times. I don't have anything major planned except for hanging out with my best friend before she starts back to school and getting some MAJOR organizing and cleaning accomplished at home.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I cannot believe the intensity of the past 5 months!! Winter weather totally raked everyone over the coals (ice?) this season, and I am READY to see green and sunshine!! So, to celebrate the first day of Spring (officially two days ago), I purchased new clothes for work. They are colorful and fun, and definitely require warmer weather to wear. Of course, since I purchased new clothes, I'm definitely going to have to get new shoes! I have a hard time finding shoes that fit my feet well (that are ALSO comfortable to wear for hours on end), so I think this time I'm going to invest in good shoes that will last for awhile, and I'm taking my search online to find the perfect pairs of shoes! This is my first time buying shoes online, so wish me luck!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Awesome Quilt = Great Prize

My friend Heather over at Sporadic Scrapper posted about this amazing quilt! This is being raffled off as a fundraiser for the Fiber Artist Guild in Spokane, WA and north Idaho. I personally feel it's important to support your local artists, so check out Heather's blog post about it here, and be sure to get your raffle tickets for a chance to win this beautiful quilt. Information on how to get your tickets is in Heather's post. Good luck!

Twenty-Five Random Things

I love those posts that go around on Facebook and MySpace where you simply fill in 25 random facts about yourself. It works really well for me because I can be a really random person at times. So, I thought I would throw 25 random things about me up here, in case anyone actually reads this blog! :-) Here goes...

  1. I have been dying to try that new Cherry Dr. Pepper.

  2. Speaking of Dr. Pepper, when I was in high school, my staple snack foods were Dr. Pepper and Cool Ranch Doritos. What a combo!

  3. I love color.

  4. I love board games and card games. Scrabble is one of my favorites.

  5. I love cupcakes! I don't know what it is about them, but I love the cute little pieces of cake, and my favorite thing about them is that they are so versatile as desserts.

  6. Leading in from #5, I love to bake. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, mini-cheesecakes, chocolate candy.... and the best part is that I usually will give it away! I don't like to keep it all to myself.

  7. I enjoy long walks and hiking.

  8. I can't WAIT for summer!!!! Well, I should clarify... I can't WAIT for WARMER WEATHER!!

  9. I confess that I'm not as inclined to use sunscreen when I'm outside when we actually have sun; it's that crazy idea that I want to soak up all the sun that I can when I have the chance! Luckily, I don't do it very often...

  10. I want to own my own business one day.

  11. I want to have my own nonprofit one day.

  12. I have a personal shopper.

  13. I love my job.

  14. I wish I was more connected to a certain church in the area.

  15. I love this place in life where I am able to reconnect with old friends and contacts. The past two weeks have given me the opportunity to do just that, and it's been so fun!

  16. I am considering jumping on the Twitter bandwagon...

  17. I love Tinker Bell. I have a small collection of figurines and other stuff for when I have a daughter some day.

  18. I'm a huge fan of Redbox. It's a movie rental service available from kiosks at local stores. If you haven't tried it out, you should!! It's only $1 per movie per night. Bye-bye Blockbuster and Hollywood Video! I'm totally over paying more than I should for a movie.

  19. One of these days, I will travel the country and world.... one of these days....

  20. I love Canada! The country, the people, and the culture.

  21. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I hope I've learned from them.

  22. I have a Type A personality... which sometimes annoys me.

  23. My favorite feature about myself is my eyes.

  24. I love the Spanish language.

  25. My dream is to one-day have a hand in organizing the Olympic Games!

There you have it! If you have comments, feel free to post them. I'm curious to get feedback! :-)

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Yesterday I made myself take a mandatory break from work, so I went to see this movie with my best friend. I really liked the movie, and I was surprised that it was more of a reality check than a simple chick flick (chick flick with a social conscience?). If you haven't seen it, I recommend it, especially if you're [ahem] a shopaholic!