Sunday, April 26, 2009

"I Love" Box

I need to share with you an idea that I just LOVE. It's an "I Love" box!

Do you ever have those moments when you are simply enjoying something and think to yourself, "I love this"? Well, capture that moment on a little card that you tuck it away into your "I Love" box. Review your box from time to time and remind yourself of all those little things in life that bring you joy. I'm going to make one for myself!

Mermaid Shelley of Mermaids on the Lake wrote about the "I Love" box on the Mermaids blog. Visit the post here and be inspired!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


That's a new word I just made up. I was sitting at my desk taking my first bite of lunch, and that was my reaction... a swoon and "Yummylicious!" The fun part is that it was just leftovers (bean burrito with mozzerella cheese and verde sauce), but the combination of its simplicity, taste, and the peace and quiet of that moment knocked my socks off...

So that tells you how my week has been. How's yours going? T.G.I.A.F.? (Thank Goodness It's Almost Friday!)

Well, I've been pretty absent in the blogosphere lately. That's pretty much due to the fact of: a) computer problems, b) back-to-back-to-back-to-back events at work, and c) no time to sit still. That will be over shortly (two days), and then I get to take TWO days off from work. TWO! I'm bailing out of town, getting out of dodge, escaping, disappearing... T.G.F.V.T. (Thank Goodness For Vacation Time!). I'll let you know about it when I get back.

So, what's been going on at work to take up so much of my life (so it feels)? Well, to put it simply, in the span of two months, multiple fundraising events will have taken place- the last one this coming Saturday- that will collectively have raised just about $250,000 for the organization I work for. A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS! That's a lot of work! :-) But I love it, so I don't really complain too much about it. Besides the fact that I love my job, the kiddos I work for deserve the opportunities this money will give them, so that's just the bottom line of why we're doing what we do.

I promise to be more active in the future, so thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oh, joy!

I don't really have much to say, except that I'm so stinkin' excited to have seen the sun!! The last couple of days we've had sun up here.... and it STAYED all day and I didn't need a coat!

AND, get this, I actually used my air conditioning in my car yesterday.... EEEK!!

If that's not enough to get a girl excited about Spring, I don't know what will.

Well, maybe a couple of pairs of new shoes and a couple of new purses... and a few new pretty dresses.... all of which I now have! ;-)

Happy Spring and Happy Easter, everyone!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Giveaway- Quick!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that there's a very cool giveaway going on over at Embellish Essentials. You can enter between now and Saturday, April 11th @ 11:59 p.m. PST. The prize is for a scrapbook prize pack worth over $50! If you're a scrappin' queen, you know that's a lot of fun waiting to happen!!

I just so happen to know those girls running things over at Embellish Essentials, so tell them I sent ya! {wink} They are a start-up business, so keep your eye out for them if you're into paper scrapbooking.