Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a week!

This has been one of those weeks that required martinis with dinner, lots of chocolate (just pulled brownies out of the oven!) and some good old fashioned therapy sessions with close friends. Ever have those weeks?

Not that it was all baaad, just frustrating at times. Definitely one of those "growing" periods when you have to decide whether to chicken out or stick with the situation and grow as a person. All I have to say is, T.G.I.F. tomorrow!

I'm happy to report that my huge fundraising event for work was a success! I am sleeping better at night now, and I'm enjoying somewhat shorter hours at work, although I'm still working late. Such are the demands of the job... :-)

At any rate, Spring Break is (almost) here! One of the perks for working my rear off during the year is great vacation time. Next week is one of those times. I don't have anything major planned except for hanging out with my best friend before she starts back to school and getting some MAJOR organizing and cleaning accomplished at home.


Mermaids of the Lake said...

Well, I know I am late on reading this post and Spring Break is now almost over, but I hope you have enjoyed it and are feeling better! Enjoy those martinis! I like to call a Martini an "Attitude Adjustment!"

Mermaid Debbie