Thursday, January 28, 2010


I don't know why, but this week has been a strange week of news. No, I'm not talking about the State of the Union address (I didn't even watch it). :-)  I've been hearing news from people about health issues in their lives, and it is making me wonder "What the heck is going on?" Co-workers, families we serve at work, people from my past... the news hasn't been good for them. I feel helpless at times; I want to say an encouraging word, but not something cheesy. I haven't experienced most of the situations they are in, so I don't really know how they are feeling or what they're going through. All I feel I can do is say a prayer (or prayers) for them, thank God for my own health and blessings, and seek to be kinder, more compassionate, and more perceptive towards others.


Mermaids of the Lake said...

Jaime, I know exactly what you mean. I have heard more news of serious illness and death than ever before. Strange. In fact, my own Grandma passed away a little over a week ago and while I am grieving and Shelley is helping me cope, her own uncle passed away too. Prayers and compassion are is a good aproach.

Mermaid Debbie

Jaime said...

Debbie, thank you for the comment. So sorry to hear about your grandma and Shelley's uncle.