Saturday, February 7, 2009

Long time, no post!

Well, it has been a while since I've posted. Sorry about the delay, but life (work) has been busy!

As far as work goes, I am currently working on three events simultaneously. I've found myself putting in more than my usual work hours these past few weeks, but that's what happens when you get close to your event dates! The ironic part is that I have many vacation days (yes, above and beyond my fantastic winter break) that I need to squeeze in around those events. This has been a tough year so far. Our special events account for about one-fourth of our annual budget; that means we're looking at several hundred thousand dollars. The current state of the economy hasn't exactly helped us out with securing event sponsorships and donations. But, we are plugging away, so hopefully we'll be close to our goal!

[On a random side note, there's a Sprint commercial on TV right now. I LOVE their commercials about different groups of people running the world with their direct connect phones. This one happens to be a delivery company running a school.... awesome!]

As some of you may know, I've been trying to start a scrapbooking business with my best friend. We've had several opportunities come open for us, but all the details have never really clicked together well enough to allow us to move forward with opening our own store. We had another opportunity come up this past week to display our products in a local store. After providing the owners with product samples, they decided not to give us the space. I'm not sure what the "real" reason for their decision is, but one of the owners told us that they decided not to rent out the space after all. However, another owner mentioned that they were considering some other people as well, so I don't know if they ended up picking someone else over us. It's another disappointment for us, but it just makes me want to work harder to make it happen. We have a blog for our company. Visit it at

I started a second blog that focuses on entertaining. You can check it out at I try to update it about once a week with ideas for your own social events and holiday celebrations. Please leave comments, and if you have ideas to share, I would love to hear them too! I would also love it if you became a follower of one or all of the blogs I'm working on. It's nice to know that people are interested!

That's all I've got for this time. I'll post again soon.


Mermaids of the Lake said...

Jaime, I love your cats! Mine is a brown tabby named Janie and she is a sweet wild thing! I am crazy about her. You should send us photos for our pet gallery on the magazine. (jpg, pets first and last name)