Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a belated Thanksgiving post! I started one Thursday morning while I was watching the Macy's parade on T.V., which I haven't done in years, by the way. Unfortunately, I got up from the computer and never made it back to finish my post.

At any rate, Thanksgiving was a good day. It was the first of my four days off from work (nice!). I kind of vegged a bit, then baked TWO apple pies from scratch. My best friend and I went to her sister's house where the family was gathered to eat. We all sat down at the table (courtesy of not one but two leaves in the table!) and passed the dishes around. I thought that was a very nice time because: 1) their family hasn't done that very often at large family get-togethers, and 2) it was nice to actually visit with each other over a meal. Every dish was great! Thanksgiving is just about my favorite holiday because I LOVE every dish! I also tried spiced wine for the first time, and that was yummy as well.

I slept in on "Black Friday" (or was it "Red Friday"?) because there weren't any sales I was dying to get up and freeze my butt off in line for. I'm glad I was patient because I finally stopped in at my store of choice (Target) in the afternoon and checked out the items I had on my wish list. I walked fast through the store and snagged every item I wanted (yesssssss!!). To top that all off, I even checked out fairly quick at the "10 items or less" lane. Now THAT'S what I call a successful shopping trip.

The rest of my weekend has been spent cleaning, organizing, rearranging, yoga-ing, and creating. Seeing as that's about 10 times as much as what I normally accomplish on any given weekend, I'm very proud of myself. And, I am extremely proud of my best friend and roommate for getting her stuff taken care of as well! It was fun to spend time with her this weekend and catch up on life. I'm looking forward to 2009 and really starting fresh and on the right foot (in a kick-ass apartment!!).

With all that said, I am closing this post. Monday awaits me... as well as my messy* office.

*Messy is defined here as an organized chaos of which I am only 70% responsible.

P.S. I only have THREE weeks until my two week Christmas vacation!