Monday, November 17, 2008

'Tis the Season to Give...

With the current economic situation the way it is, many people are struggling to make ends meet. While I believe that people should be generous to others ALL the time, the holidays become an especially important time to show others that you care. If you're reading this and have been very blessed this year, I ask that you consider helping others out this holiday season and beyond. We all need to do what we can to help each other out! Below are some links to websites and charitable organizations that can use your support.

Samaritan's Purse : Help spread the joy and REASON for the SEASON! : Send pick-me-up boxes to the men and women fighting for our country around the world. Get those packages out early so they arrive before Christmas!! : For those who like to help out individual people with various needs, check out this website.

If you really love me, you'll check out this website and make a donation for the kiddies!! The Spokane Guilds' School & Neuromuscular Center provides a "Mrs. Santa's Work Shop" for parents to come in and shop for new toys and games for their kids. It's just another service provided by the school to help out families during the holidays. And that's in addition to the amazing things the school does year-round. Read the information on the website and be amazed!